
5 Great Investment Account Manager Software Features

Managing your finances can be hard, but IAM makes it easy. IAM provides great tools that will lead you to better portfolio management decisions. If you have the responsibility of overseeing and managing one or several portfolios, you’ll discover many comprehensive features that save time and help you to avoid mistakes.

Multiple Portfolio Management

IAM allows you to have all of your portfolios in one place. Being able to monitor them, and have them at your fingertips helps save you time and avoid mistakes. Using software that allows you to view multiple portfolios. You can pull together information on several diverse portfolios and get the allocation, performance, and tax data that you need all in one place

Customizable Reporting

IAM has many reports and graphs to help you make important investing decisions. Reports can be created for user-defined date ranges, for single investment accounts, or combinations of accounts, to view aggregate totals. Reporting is important because it allows investors to see where adjustments to their portfolio may be needed and to make well-informed decisions about their next steps based on their specific needs. With IAM you can create reports on practically all data points and display this information in a customizable presentation. Reports for tax filing, investment transaction history, asset allocation, and more are crucial to helping you manage your portfolio. 

Portfolio Allocation and Rebalancing Analysis

Rebalancing is the process of reallocating assets within a portfolio. This helps investors by shifting money from those investments that have performed well into portfolio underachievers. Rebalancing is important since it can help control risk and bring your asset allocation back in line. Investment Account Manager Individual has tools that help identify rebalancing needs. As you use IAM tools for rebalancing, they will help reduce the chances for disproportionate losses if over-concentrated in one asset class.

Tax Tracking Tools

Organizing your financial records, in preparation for taxes, can be a lot to handle. Investment Account Manager makes tax filing easy with organized record keeping that leaves all your tax records in one place. Our software allows you to effectively manage the tax implications of your investment decisions in both taxable and nontaxable accounts. And tax tracking helps optimize gift and estate planning strategies, leading to long-term successful results.

Technical Support

There are often instances where you may run into questions while managing your portfolio, and that’s why technical support is crucial. The developers of Investment Account Manager prioritize helping customers by providing reliable support. IAM will answer questions you may have in a timely manner through email or voice. It is important to us that if you have a question or problem, we respond quickly to ease any worry, making IAM even easier to use!

Investment Account Manager 3 Individual (since 1985) is a Windows desktop-based software program that provides investors with the comprehensive features necessary to properly manage portfolio allocation, diversification and rebalancing for long-term investing success.

A free 60-day demo version (no credit card required) is available on our website: Investment Account Manager

By: Jada Wald


CFA Institute



Posted on February 1, 2023
Your trusted partner since 1985.