
7 Tips for Beginner Investors

If investing is important, then why does it seem so complicated when you are first starting out? These 7 tips will help you better understand how to start your investing journey.

Start with the right investments

Knowing what to start investing can be burdensome. There are too many to choose from, it can get overwhelming. A good place to start would be broad-based investments. Broad-based mutual funds and exchange-traded funds pool the money of many investors to purchase a variety of securities. This is a simple way to begin your investment journey. 

Create a diversified portfolio

Having a diversified portfolio will lower the risk of a single stock in your portfolio hurting your overall performance. An easy way to create a broad portfolio is buying a mutual fund or an ETF. These products are already diversified, removing the risk of playing with fire, and possibly jeopardizing your portfolio. This will help improve your overall returns. 

Be prepared for possible losses

The stock market fluctuates, meaning you may have losses every now and then. As a new investor, this can be difficult to stomach. In investing, you need to be aware that it is possible to lose money, and prepare yourself for that possibility. With a diversified portfolio, a single stock should not impact your overall return too much. Keep that in mind when you are evaluating your portfolio. 

Stay committed for the long run

It is important to stay committed to your portfolio, but also important not to look at your portfolio too frequently. One strategy for beginners is to set up a calendar to determine when you will be assessing your portfolio. This will help keep you investing with a mind-set dedicated to your long-term goals. Sticking to a thought out plan will prevent you from constantly checking your portfolio, leading to rash decision making like selling out of a stock during some volatility. 

Set goals

Understanding what you are investing for is crucial in the beginning stages of investing. Is your goal to buy a house, retire, pay for your children’s education, financial independence, etc? Having a goal in mind can help you determine your financial plan and create a timeframe. Understanding your goals can help you determine how much risk you are willing to take when investing. 

Get to know your risk tolerance

Your risk tolerance will adjust as time goes on and you approach your goals. Only risk as much as your goals require, not as much as you can currently afford. Just because you think you can afford a risk with your investments, doesn’t mean it is the best idea. Determining your personal risk tolerance is one of the most important steps you may take when determining what type of investments to make. 

Keep investing over time with automation

Automating your investments can help keep your emotions out of the process. This can make it easier to build your wealth up over time, rather than dumping your money into the market all at once. If your goal is long term, your mindset should be as well. Setting up automatic savings deposits, retirement contributions, and more can help the feeling of being overwhelmed. This will help you stick to long-term investing. 

Investing is an effective way to build wealth and meet your financial goals. Although it can seem complicated to start, using these 7 steps are great tools to help jump start for your financial planning. 

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By: Jada Wald



Posted on December 13, 2022
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