With the recent run-up of stock market levels over the past several years, many investors might find one or more of their investment holdings have appreciated considerably in value, now representing a disproportionate percentage of the total portfolio value. Investors must pay attention to these concentrated investment positions. While different measurements can define a concentrated position, it is generally agreed when an investment holding exceeds the market value by 10% of the total portfolio value, it is concentrated.
With December upon us, and 2023 nearly at end, investors might find this an ideal time to review their portfolio holdings and make necessary rebalancing changes for long term goals. This article will review the importance of rebalancing and how to accomplish this crucial portfolio management task. (more…)
As the close of 2023 quickly approaches, investor’s should start thinking ahead, reviewing and taking advantage of tax saving strategies. Here are three important tips that will help investor’s manage tax consequences, while helping to better manage their investment portfolio(s).
With the NFL 2023 season nearly underway, here’s an approach for using Investment Account Manager to manage your investment portfolio much like the general manager of an NFL team manages their team roster. Considering the holdings in your investment portfolio as your ‘roster’ may help you to identify the role of each holding within your portfolio.
This article outlines the concept of relating leaky pipes to chronic under-performing stocks. (more…)
Whether you have many different investments, or just a few, volatile markets remind us of the importance of tracking investments accurately. Up-to-date information is essential. One of the foundations of successful portfolio management requires a thorough knowledge of what you own, and why you own what you do. This understanding brings peace of mind to the well-informed investor and helps the investor to make sound decisions based on facts, and not on emotion.
One of the basic premises of investing is that investors attempt to maximize the returns from their investments. In doing so, it is assumed that investors are risk averse, that is, given a choice between two assets of equal rate of return, an investor will select the asset with the lower level of risk. Although this relationship does not imply that all investors are risk averse, it does mean that there is a positive relationship between expected return and expected risk. So how do we define risk? (more…)
Unified investment account management is extraordinarily important in order to achieve investment success.
Managing your finances can be hard, but IAM makes it easy. IAM provides great tools that will lead you to better portfolio management decisions. If you have the responsibility of overseeing and managing one or several portfolios, you’ll discover many comprehensive features that save time and help you to avoid mistakes.
The onset of a new year represents an ideal occasion for investors to take the important time to review the objectives of their investment portfolio(s). Investment objectives focus on the accepted risk-return tradeoff between the expected return investors want (return requirements), and how much risk they are willing to assume (risk tolerance). Moreover, this then determines the asset allocation (cash, fixed income, stocks, other), portfolio diversification, income generation, risk and tax positioning.