One important benefit of using a portfolio management and investment record keeping system is the ability to utilize and access information for improved year-end decision making, including useful tax planning, monitoring and reporting tools. This includes lot-by-lot accounting, since in most cases, investment portfolios will consist of multiple assets, acquired at varying times, with different capital gain or loss sale consequences. With the proper investment record keeping and tax planning tools, you can effectively manage your investments to defer taxes, harvest losses, and optimize estate planning.
The onset of a new year represents an ideal occasion for investors to take the important time to review the objectives of their investment portfolio(s). Investment objectives focus on the accepted risk-return tradeoff between the expected return investors want (return requirements), and how much risk they are willing to assume (risk tolerance). Moreover, this then determines the asset allocation (cash, fixed income, stocks, other), portfolio diversification, income generation, risk and tax positioning.
There are many benefits associated with limited liability companies (LLCs). And the secret is out — LLCs are becoming the entity of choice for many new businesses. LLCs offer a high degree of customization and flexibility, and a new popular strategy is using LLCs to serve as the registered owner of an investment portfolio, referred to in this article as a “family investment company”.
Saving is a key principle. People who make a habit of saving regularly, even saving small amounts, are well on their way to success. It’s important to open a bank or credit union account so it will be simple and easy for you to save regularly. Then, use your savings to plan for life events and to be ready for unplanned or emergency needs.
The world of online portfolio management has seen a lot of turbulence lately. From the Equifax breach to Google Finance’s recent announcement that it will no longer house your portfolio, many investors have been left scrambling to find better ways to protect and manage their financial information. (more…)
The SEC will adopt an amendment to shorten the standard settlement cycle for most broker-dealer securities transactions by one business day. What was once known as T+3 will become T+2 on Monday, September 5.
Here is a recent review of our software that was conducted by Hareesh N. Jayanthi who is an assistant financial analyst at AAII. If you’re unfamiliar with AAII, they are one of the best resources to get unbiased facts and effective knowledge about investing.
Hareesh N. Jayanthi is an assistant financial analyst at AAII and is part of the staff of Computerized Investing, the premier publication covering the use of personal computers for financial planning, investment analysis and portfolio management. As a financial columnist for AAII, Hareesh writes a variety of commentaries ranging from reviews of products to analysis of model portfolios and stock screens.