
IAM Investing Principles


Current market volatility requires investors to reaffirm goals, reassess investments and rebalance portfolios with the goal of sound, long-term portfolio management. By identifying risk characteristics, return goals and time horizon, investor’s are able to balance their portfolio to properly match asset allocations (cash, bonds, stocks, other) to reach these goals.




The Investment Account Manager (IAM) program will help you manage your portfolio, while applying proven principals for long-term success:

Investment Account Manager is nationally recognized as one of the premier portfolio management software programs available to investors. This powerful, full-featured, and time tested software program provides the hands-on investor with portfolio management and investment record keeping tools. Investment Account Manager has once again received the Editor’s Choice Award (2013) for desktop based portfolio management software.

IAM’s record keeping features will help you to get off on the right foot, organizing your investment activity and providing the mechanics for investing regularly – an investment style that has helped many individuals achieve long-term investment success. For those investors not tracking in detail the purchases, income received, reinvestments, sales, expenses and other transactions that affect performance, the “early warning signs” of a poorly performing issue will be less obvious.

Well-organized investors can also rebalance holdings, weeding out under-performing issues, while looking for replacements. Poor investment organization makes it nearly impossible to determine whether portfolio allocation is consistent with risk tolerance and long-term investment goals. Using tools provided by IAM, the organized investor can identify the portfolio’s allocation by asset type, as well as the allocation by stock industry sector, stock company size and mutual fund investment objective. Knowledge of diversification can help an investor build a portfolio for long-term success.

The more informed you are as an investor the more successful you will be as an investor. Investment Account Manager provides many tools that enable the investor to focus on these important aspects of portfolio management, leading to better investment success. If you have any questions, feel free to post your inquiries on our Facebook page.

Posted on October 22, 2014
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