
Learn to Understand and Manage your Risk Tolerance

  Make 2022 the year you learn to understand and manage your risk tolerance.   The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to evaluate your investment portfolio. Make time these first few weeks of 2022 to first review your long-term goals. This can be anything from finally tackling debt or building your Continue reading Learn to Understand and Manage your Risk Tolerance
Posted on January 4, 2022

5 Steps for Year End Portfolio Rebalancing

  As 2021 is nearing year end, now may be an ideal time for investors to review their portfolio investments, making necessary rebalancing changes.   Continue reading 5 Steps for Year End Portfolio Rebalancing
Posted on December 1, 2021

Managing the Leaky Pipes in your Investment Portfolio

  This article outlines the concept of relating leaky pipes to chronic under-performing stocks in your investment portfolio. Leaky pipes do their damage over time, in that a small leak may not appear to be a big problem. However, the damage caused might remain undetected for years. These slow, long-term leaks can result in much Continue reading Managing the Leaky Pipes in your Investment Portfolio
Posted on November 1, 2021

Being Financially Prepared for the Unexpected

  You’ve probably been told before to prepare for the unexpected, and that’s good advice. And being prepared for the unexpected includes your finances as well. In the event of a job loss, medical expense, or other form of unexpected financial damage, it’s important to have an emergency fund. Ask yourself what’s the worst thing Continue reading Being Financially Prepared for the Unexpected
Posted on October 1, 2021

Managing Your Portfolio Like An NFL Team Roster

  With the NFL 2021 season nearly underway,  we here at Investment Account Manager thought to offer an approach for managing your investment portfolio, much like the general manager of an NFL team manages their team roster. Considering the holdings in your investment portfolio as your ‘roster’ may help you to identify the role of Continue reading Managing Your Portfolio Like An NFL Team Roster
Posted on September 1, 2021

The Long-Run:  Of Oak Trees and Crockpots

  Investing for the “long-run” is a very compelling mantra—at least for those who have a long-run ahead of them. For the investor who is currently 105 years old this article may be somewhat less useful.  If you’re younger than 80 years old—I think it will apply.  The question is simply this:  just how long Continue reading The Long-Run:  Of Oak Trees and Crockpots
Posted on August 2, 2021

Mid-Year Portfolio Rebalancing

  With the calendar having just passed the midway point of 2021, now might be an ideal time to review your portfolio. And identify if any rebalancing changes may be necessary to stay consistent with your long-term goals. Continue reading Mid-Year Portfolio Rebalancing
Posted on July 1, 2021

Managing Concentrated Investment Position(s)

With the run-up of stock market prices over the past several years, investors might find one or more of their investment holdings have appreciated considerably in value, now representing a disproportionate percentage by market value. With this in mind, it is important for investors to pay attention to these concentrated investment position(s), an important investment Continue reading Managing Concentrated Investment Position(s)
Posted on June 1, 2021

Family Investment Companies Are Fantastic!

  There are many benefits associated with limited liability companies (LLCs).  And the secret is out — LLCs are becoming the entity of choice for many new businesses.  LLCs offer a high degree of customization and flexibility, and a new popular strategy is using LLCs to serve as the registered owner of an investment portfolio, Continue reading Family Investment Companies Are Fantastic!
Posted on May 3, 2021

How to Get Rich

So, I got your attention! How would you get rich? Buy gold, Bitcoin, NFTs, a lottery ticket?  Might work, but a slow and steady approach has a better chance of success. And what sort of financially rich – rich enough to not worry about money, or rich enough to sail the world? Either way, here Continue reading How to Get Rich
Posted on April 1, 2021
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