The Purpose of Diversification: A Review of the Past 49 Years

Diversification is for folks who don’t know the future—which is all of us. Think of it this way, if you knew the future perfectly would you ever diversify your portfolio? Of course not. You would simply pick the single ticker that was destined to produce the highest return.   End of story.




Stock prices fluctuate for a myriad of reasons.  Understanding a number of the possible causes for price fluctuations will help investors make better portfolio management decisions.



As the close of 2018 quickly approaches, investor’s should start thinking ahead, reviewing and taking advantage of tax saving strategies. Here are three important tips that will help investor’s manage tax consequences, while helping to better manage their investment portfolio(s).



Since the practice of successful portfolio management never stops, requiring consistent attention, investment software will improve that process. Since 1985 QUANT IX SOFTWARE has developed desktop-based secure software to help investors do a better job managing their investment portfolios…


As an investor, it’s important to understand the relations between risk and returns. Some investments come with a quick return ‘promise’ while other investments may lead to a larger risk. Make sure you are aware of how to evaluate your risk appetite.


The world of online portfolio management has seen a lot of turbulence lately. From the Equifax breach to Google Finance’s recent announcement that it will no longer house your portfolio, many investors have been left scrambling to find better ways to protect and manage their financial information. (more…)



Unified investment account management is extraordinarily important in order to achieve investment success.




This article outlines the concept of relating leaky pipes to chronic under-performing stocks. (more…)


For many years, security valuation was viewed as an esoteric theory, mainly left to academicians. Investors did not clearly understand, nor have the computing power, to carry out the developing theory. Today, however, times have changed. MBA’s, who have had a steady diet of quantitative investment analysis, have stormed Wall Street. Sophisticated personal computers are now not only commonplace, but also essential to compete in a challenging world. The effect has been to elevate security valuation methods to an important new level in the day to day decision making process of both professional and individual investors.

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