Defining Your Investment Objectives

With the start of 2020, now is an ideal time for investors to review their forward-looking investment objectives, understanding these objectives are affected by short- and long-term needs and changing requirements.

This fact sheet provided by the CFA Institute will help you work with your financial adviser to determine how to best meet your financial goals.  If you are an independent investor, we think you too will find this fact sheet worthwhile for helping you to better manage your investment portfolio(s).  (more…)




As the close of 2019 quickly approaches, investor’s should start thinking ahead, reviewing and taking advantage of tax saving strategies. Here are three important tips that will help investor’s manage tax consequences, while helping to better manage their investment portfolio(s).




> Investors have a natural bias to invest domestically.

> Exposure to international stocks can improve portfolio performance over the long term.

> How best to invest internationally is a subject of considerable debate.


Diversification is for folks who don’t know the future—which is all of us. Think of it this way, if you knew the future perfectly would you ever diversify your portfolio? Of course not. You would simply pick the single ticker that was destined to produce the highest return.   End of story.




Stock prices fluctuate for a myriad of reasons.  Understanding a number of the possible causes for price fluctuations will help investors make better portfolio management decisions.



As we’re now past the halfway point of 2019, we pass along this reminder that now might be an ideal time to review your portfolio and identify if any rebalancing changes may be necessary to reach long-term goals. Here’s a multi-step guideline that you will find helpful to accomplish this important portfolio management task.


Craig L. Israelsen


It’s that time again…for a performance review of key market indexes.  In addition, we’ll examine the performance of a broadly diversified 12-index portfolio model.  The indexes in this analysis represent the following broad asset classes:  US equities, non-US equities, real estate, resources/commodities, US bonds, non-US bonds, and cash. 


There are several strategies that can be used to generate retirement income. One of those is the bucket theory of investing, which basically requires investors to contribute to three different buckets. There are variations to this bucket strategy of investing, so we encourage investors to find the right three-bucket approach for their specific needs.  Read on to learn more about one approach…


We’re all still adjusting to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, the new tax plan that overhauled tax brackets for individuals as well as many standard deductions and exemptions.



Make 2019 the year you learn to understand and manage your risk tolerance.

The beginning of a new year is an ideal time to evaluate your investment portfolio. Make time these first few weeks of 2019 to first review your long-term goals, which can be anything from finally tackling debt or building your emergency fund to stashing away money for retirement.


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